Creation of the “GPC” project for the monitoring of the Chinguetti field development project. This is the embryo on which the SMH company was built later on.
SMH acquires the legal statut of a National Company.
New Raw Hydrocarbons’ Code and new Contract Model (CEP), establishing a carried interest for SMH in exploration.
By decree no. 2014-001 of January 6th, 2014, SMH becomes SMHPM following the extension of its missions to Hydrocarbons’ downstream and mining portfolio.
Creation of SMH as a public establishment with an industrial and commercial nature, with as sole assets the holding of a participation of 12% in Chinguetti field.
New Mining Code establishing a State’s participation right in mining exploitations.
Signing of the first CEP and related JOAs making the presence of SMH in exploration effective.
By decree no. 2021-049 of April 28th, 2021, SMHPM becomes again SMH with missions focused solely on hydrocarbons.
A reflection is underway to transform and develop the company and to adapt it to the new context of energetic transition.